Wednesday, June 17, 2020

We Drink at the Attenuation Well Porsha Olayiwola

We Drink at the Attenuation Well

Porsha Olayiwola
Motivated forgetting is a psychological defense mechanism whereby people cope with threatening and unwanted memories by suppressing them from consciousness.
            —Amy N. Dalton and Li Huang

              in Badagry there is a hung-
              ry well of water and memory


                                                         loss. in Badagry there was a well 
                                                         of people lost across a haven 


of water. in Badagry there was
a port overwhelmed in un-return. 


                                         to omit within the mind is to ebb
                                         heavenward. memory is a wealth 


                                                                 choking the brain in un-respons-
                                                                 ibility. violence in the mind and 


                                         the mind forgets in order to remember
                                         the self before the violence begot. 

in Badagry trauma washes ungod-
ly memory heavenward. in Bad-


                                       agry there is an attenuation well 
                                       meant to wish away a passage, 


                                                                      meant to unhaven a people.
                                                                      violence is underwhelming


                                       in return. what the body eats, 
                                       the mind waters. responsible 


is the memory for un-remittal. 
royal is the body for return. god is


                                                 the mind for wafting. forgetting 
                                                 is a port homeward. in Bad- 


                                                            agry hungry memory grows angry.
                                                            in Badagry the memories un- 


                 choke. trauma un-eats the royal. 
                 in Badagry there is a heaven 


                                                               of people responsible for the birth- 
                                                               right of remembering, for the well 


                                              of us across a haven of water
                                              overwhelmed in un-return.

Copyright © 2020 by Porsha Olayiwola. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on June 17, 2020 by the Academy of American Poets.

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