Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Dada poem 2

So cute and no one can hear you think
The art of the possible to get sick or a great proof
And the rules of acquisition would have been told
And I am not sure if you are a dull boy,

To say that God is not a video game 🎮of the revenge of the nerds
And the t-shirt challenge is to be treated as such a beautiful day
The election is over and over again
And the daleks play go to jail for the sake of others and campy horror

But you miss that the universe is a group of people who suffered from the bottom of a dull moment
And the force of the dinosaurs and children in the United nations security council to be treated as such a beautiful child
And the t-shirt with a male scorpion king 's college in the United States of acquisition would be great to see you tomorrow!
If the Sith wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and children in the civil war left out of the dinosaurs and no play makes Jack a dull boy

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