Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Fellow Conservative,


Fellow Conservative,

Today, I’m writing to call you to defend America’s heritage.

America’s great heritage is under attack from a cultural revolution of far-left extremists who are pushing their radical agenda in an attempt to break down all we cherish and know to be true. They sow the seeds of fear, disorder, violence, and hatred.

They use the powerful weapon of “cancel culture” to destroy any brave person who stands against them—getting that person fired and excommunicated from society just for disagreeing with them.

And they use your silence as consent and momentum to propel them forward, unopposed.

These radicals aim to rewrite history and destroy what you know to be true about our founding and American history. Why? To reshape it to fit their ideals.

Enough is enough.

We will find strength in numbers. We are banding together a community of patriots who will agree to protect each other and our American heritage from “cancel culture”. Together, we will oppose these revolutionists against our cherished American heritage and values.

For this reason, we’ve put together a pledge for patriots to stop the Left’s socialist agenda and are looking to recruit at least 100,000 people to pledge to defend America’s heritage.

If you would like to financially support our effort to find, recruit, and equip these defenders of truth from the mob, you can go online here now to sign the pledge and make your tax-deductible gift.

We’re asking them to pledge their support of these beliefs and actions:

  • Hold law enforcement, mayors, governors and federal authorities accountable for stopping the violence and destruction and bring those committing criminal acts to justice while protecting the rights of good people to protest peacefully.

  • Condemn any attempts to tear down and vandalize statues, memorials and monuments across the country and stand united as Americans in the defense of our heritage, culture and the rule of law.

  • Support our police officers who risk their lives every day to protect us no matter our color, religion, sex or nationality—while also making needed reforms to weed out bad cops and end unacceptable policing procedures.

  • Combat the Marxist agenda from elected officials and independent groups. This agenda has wrought destruction on nations for generations. It expands government control and takes every opportunity to limit freedom—and it must not take root in the United States.

  • Reject radical, disturbing, and misleading groups like Antifa and the BLM organizations (whose misleading names conceal a more expansive and dangerous agenda) that are completely out of step with American values and want to impose an ideology on America that would only bring greater poverty, violence, and destruction.

  • Vote for the implementation of conservative policies to create jobs, end poverty, provide better access to health care, improve education and strengthen families to ultimately ensure America’s promise of liberty and opportunity is a promise for all Americans.

  • Defend conservative values and True North principles that will build an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity and civil society flourish for all.

Our hope is to far exceed our goal of enlisting 100,000 people to join in this community and sign this pledge. To do that, we’re going to need the support of people like you who also believe these truths.

Would you consider making a gift today to present this pledge to others all across our country, and defend America now?

A gift of $25 today will not just activate your membership with The Heritage Foundation, but it will also ensure that we can present this pledge to 1,000 people or more.

Your support today will ensure that other America-loving patriots who despise and reject what is being told to us about the country we love will join you in pledging their support and join you in the community we’re building to defend our heritage.

Please go online to this secure page to sign the pledge and make your tax-deductible gift to financially support this effort now.

The Heritage Foundation is America’s leading conservative think tank. We employ hundreds of the world’s greatest minds, focused on researching and proving what makes America great and equip conservatives like you, as well as elected officials with the tools they need to promote and defend our American heritage. We advance the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense. We have more than 500,000 members working to ensure America upholds the vision of our Founding Fathers.

Get more people to stand in defense of America’s history and heritage today. Help them reject the “woke” horde demanding you kneel before them, acknowledge their lies as truth, and sit idly by while they continue to destroy the country we love.

Now is the time to defend our country, our heritage, and the beliefs we hold true about the vision of our founders.

Will you join us today?


Kay C. James

P.S. If you’d like to sign this pledge and join the community yourself, just click here now to add your name to our Pledge. Another way you can help this cause is by forwarding this email to as many people that you know who are either ready to join this community, or financially support our efforts to build it. Thank you in advance for your support.

The Heritage Foundation

The Heritage Foundation | 214 Massachusetts Avenue, NE | Washington, D.C. 20002

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