Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Russian Social Sciences Journals in the New Reality


Russian Social Sciences
Journals in the New Reality
Wednesday, April 13, 2022
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. (EDT)

Virtual Event
The reality in which Russian academic journals existed prior to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has drastically transformed since then. The political situation in the country has changed; political risks have increased for individual scholars, research and teaching institutions, and academic journals. We are witnessing a change in the entire system of scientific ratings and depreciation of international scientometric indicators. More importantly, creeping control over academic work (such as limitations on researching, teaching, and publishing about homosexuality or drug use) is turning into full-blown censorship of not only political dissent but social research. During the seminar, we will discuss the current situation and think about the rapidly developing changes in Russian society and Russian academe through the prism of a social sciences journal.

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