Thursday, February 27, 2020

the nymphet bitten by faeries

once upon a time, there was a little girl who lived in the forrest, who was about the age of 12 years and she was very fair. and it was said that the magical creatures of the forrest envied her beauty. so it came by one night that, as she was sleep in her houses that there came fairies, who desired to be as pretty as the fair child, so they came and bit her, over and over, and she awoke, and tried to shoe them away with her broom that she had by her, and none of it worked. so she remembered what can only chase away fairies, and that being river water, and that she obtained, for it was close by, and the fairies chased her down to that river, but when the child splashed the water on the fairies, they left. and they all lived happily ever after.

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