Wednesday, June 29, 2022

Vows needed for our modern time

 💍________, take you ________, to be my wedded husband/wife.

To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better,
for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness or in health,
to love and to cherish 'till death or unreason do us part.
And hereto I pledge you my faithfulness



The Party said that Oceania had never been in alliance with Eurasia. He,
Winston Smith, knew that Oceania had been in alliance with Eurasia as short
a time as four years ago. But where did that knowledge exist? Only in his
own consciousness, which in any case must soon be annihilated. And if all
others accepted the lie which the Party imposed--if all records told the
same tale--then the lie passed into history and became truth. 'Who controls
the past,' ran the Party slogan, 'controls the future: who controls the
present controls the past.' And yet the past, though of its nature
alterable, never had been altered. Whatever was true now was true from
everlasting to everlasting. It was quite simple. All that was needed was
an unending series of victories over your own memory. 'Reality control',
they called it: in Newspeak, 'doublethink

Biology is garbage

 Biology is all garbage! Nobody cares about that stuff! Nobody cares about truth! It's all about imagination! It's all about playing pretend! Truth wounds us! So, we murdered it! Reality hurts! So 🎃 we cancelled it. Nobody cares about truth anymore! Reality is nonsense! What matters is what I feel! What matters is what I know! Biology? Throw it all in the garbage! DNA isn't self-affirming! Throw it away! Only KKK members believe in it anyway! No child should ever be allowed to become an adult! Puberty is morally wrong. Nature hates children that it destroys children by turning them into adults! Banish teenhood!

I’m joyous for the thousands of babies



It’s hard to put pen to paper to explain my thoughts about Friday’s historic Supreme Court ruling reversing Roe v. Wade.

I’m joyous for the thousands of babies who will soon be spared the violence of abortion as well as for their mothers who will never know the pain of abortion regret.

I’m nervous for the violence that those who support legal abortion have been promising to my friends in the pro-life movement and their 3,000+ pregnancy centers and maternity homes across America.

I’m angry that my first daughter, Jessica, was lost to this violence…a “choice” that was forced upon my high-school girlfriend and celebrated in the streets this weekend.

As I’ve written to you before, since I lost Jessica when I was just 17, I have pledged my life to seeing abortion end and the most vulnerable in our world served.

And that is exactly what our teams at The Vulnerable People Project Movie to Movement do each day.

And what we will continue to do in in this Post-Roe world.

After the success of our award-winning movies like Crescendo and documentary, 
Divided Hearts of America, featuring NFL-star Benjamin Watson…I have just launched a $200,000 campaign to fund our our next movie, Hills Like White Elephants.

The goal of this film to move the hearts of millions of Americans who still conflicted about abortion.

Using Ernest Hemingway’s beautiful words, we will will show the world that abortion is never a “choice” to be celebrated.

So, what do you say?

Are you with me?

Let’s move forward now to make abortion unthinkable for my daughter, Jessica, and the 53 million preborn children we have lost since 1973.

Please chip in right away with a tax-deductible gift.

For my Jessica,

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable People Project
Producer, Divided Hearts of America
Host, The Jason Jones Show

P.S. - Our past award-winning films like Divided Hearts of America & Crescendo prove that our team at Movie to Movement knows how to make beautiful films that challenge the abortion narrative in America to change hearts and minds. Take a look at our successful, past movie projects and then chip in right away to help us get filming underway for the Hills Like White Elephants film!

Our mailing address is:
Movie to Movement
HERO inc
117A Packerland Drive
Green BayWI 54303

Add us to your address book

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You can update your preferences or unsubscribe from this list.

celebration of the universe, Torah study


Dear Tumothy,

Join Rabbi Michael Lerner, Cat Zavis, and Ami Goodman at our Zoom-based celebration of the universe, Torah study, and Global Interdependence Day celebration on Saturday, July 2nd.

On this interdependence day, after we celebrate the universe and study Torah, we will grieve and mourn the actual history of America–a history filled with oppression, violence, genocide, and endless wars. The recent decisions of the Supreme Court dismantling and undermining rights that U.S. citizens have enjoyed for almost half a century or more have led many to despair. To help us overcome that despair, we will also uplift movements and struggles for liberation that too have been a part of our history and celebrate the inherent goodness of most people in the world. We wish to transform July 4th from a nationalist celebration and focus into a universal one that celebrates the interdependence of all life, nations, and the planet.

FREE to Attend Online this Saturday, July 2nd

Zoom: Click the link to Sign-up for FREE Shabbat Service and Torah Study - Register here
(For those who have regularly joined us, it is the same Zoom link from previous Shabbat celebrations.)

 9:30 am Pacific Time (12:30 pm Eastern Time)   
Shabbat morning prayers and celebration of the universe

10:30 am Pacific Time (1:30 pm Eastern Time)   
Torah Study | Korach: Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

11:15 pm Pacific Time (2:15 pm Eastern Time)   
Inter-dependence Day Celebration

Torah Readings & Prayerbook: Scroll down
*You can now see Beyt Tikkun Services or Events appear in your own Google Calendar
- Click here to add Beyt Tikkun's Calendar to your Google Calendar 

Many blessings,
Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cat Zavis

You can listen to our Torah Study from Shavuot (June 5th), by clicking here

Beyt Tikkun Prayerbook - Click Here

Torah reading can be found by clicking on the button below:

Korach: Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

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Meeting ID: 988 5230 7756

Passcode: 069540

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Meeting ID: 988 5230 7756

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Beyt Tikkun Synagogue

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Thursday, June 23, 2022

Hello, all. I'm having a nightmare of a time with IMAP subscriptions. I have used Evolution for many, many years.


  • Hello, all.  I'm having a nightmare of a time with IMAP subscriptions.
    I have used Evolution for many, many years.  Two years ago, I added an
    IMAP account from and was surprised to see all my IMAP
    subfolders show up under my Inbox (contrary to the Evolution
    instructions). However, it worked fine.

    Yesterday, I added a second account and moved those subfolders to the
    new account.  All appears fine on the back end. If I use the web mail, the folders are in the new account and at the
    same level as the Inbox and they are no longer under the old account.

    However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
    subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.  When I try to
    manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox rather than peer
    to it.  I've tried moving them to a peer level for the few moments they
    appear and, it first displays them as peers but then they disappear.
    Manage subscriptions still shows them under the Inbox.

    I can get them to briefly re-appear by disabling and re-enabling the
    account but then they disappear and the focus jumps to the Junk folder.

    I can see Evolution synchronizing the folders.  I ran Evolution from
    the command line but saw no errors. 

    I have restarted Evolution
    Killed all processes and restart Evolution
    Uninstalled and Purged Evolution
    Uninstalled, Purged, and deleted all hidden folders for Evolution

    No matter what I do, the folders show up under the Inbox in the Manage
    Subscriptions dialog and they disappear from the view.

    I very reluctantly tried KMail and it behaves as expected.

    Most of the subfolders contain email but one subfolder contains other
    folders which contain email (and one more nesting in one case).

    How do I get these subscribed subfolders to again appear in Evolution?

    Thanks - John

    evolution-list mailing list
    To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...

  • John A. Sullivan III <>Unsubscribe
    Tue, Jun 21 at 2:50 PM
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John A. Sullivan III <>
    Subject: [Evolution] Problem with IMAP subscriptions
    Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 14:43:21 -0400

    Hello, all.  I'm having a nightmare of a time with IMAP subscriptions.
    I have used Evolution for many, many years.  Two years ago, I added an
    IMAP account from and was surprised to see all my IMAP
    subfolders show up under my Inbox (contrary to the Evolution
    instructions). However, it worked fine.

    Yesterday, I added a second account and moved those subfolders to the
    new account.  All appears fine on the back end. If I use the web mail, the folders are in the new account and at the
    same level as the Inbox and they are no longer under the old account.

    However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
    subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.  When I try to
    manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox rather than peer
    to it.  I've tried moving them to a peer level for the few moments they
    appear and, it first displays them as peers but then they disappear.
    Manage subscriptions still shows them under the Inbox.

    I can get them to briefly re-appear by disabling and re-enabling the
    account but then they disappear and the focus jumps to the Junk folder.

    I can see Evolution synchronizing the folders.  I ran Evolution from
    the command line but saw no errors. 

    I have restarted Evolution
    Killed all processes and restart Evolution
    Uninstalled and Purged Evolution
    Uninstalled, Purged, and deleted all hidden folders for Evolution

    No matter what I do, the folders show up under the Inbox in the Manage
    Subscriptions dialog and they disappear from the view.

    I very reluctantly tried KMail and it behaves as expected.

    Most of the subfolders contain email but one subfolder contains other
    folders which contain email (and one more nesting in one case).

    How do I get these subscribed subfolders to again appear in Evolution?

    Thanks - John

    evolution-list mailing list
    To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...

    I should mention that I occasionally see errors such as these but not
    all the time:

    Error while Downloading new messages for offline mode in : INBOX/Countries/Fiji”.

    Error fetching message: unknown body response

    Error while Downloading new messages for offline mode in : INBOX/Countries/Australia”.

    Error fetching message: unknown body response
  • John A. Sullivan III <>Unsubscribe
    Tue, Jun 21 at 2:54 PM
    -----Original Message-----
    From: John A. Sullivan III <>
    Subject: Re: [Evolution] Problem with IMAP subscriptions
    Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 14:50:07 -0400

    -----Original Message-----
    From: John A. Sullivan III <>
    Subject: [Evolution] Problem with IMAP subscriptions
    Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2022 14:43:21 -0400

    Hello, all.  I'm having a nightmare of a time with IMAP subscriptions.
    I have used Evolution for many, many years.  Two years ago, I added an
    IMAP account from and was surprised to see all my IMAP
    subfolders show up under my Inbox (contrary to the Evolution
    instructions). However, it worked fine.

    Yesterday, I added a second account and moved those subfolders to the
    new account.  All appears fine on the back end. If I use the web mail, the folders are in the new account and at the
    same level as the Inbox and they are no longer under the old account.

    However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
    subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.  When I try to
    manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox rather than peer
    to it.  I've tried moving them to a peer level for the few moments they
    appear and, it first displays them as peers but then they disappear.
    Manage subscriptions still shows them under the Inbox.

    I can get them to briefly re-appear by disabling and re-enabling the
    account but then they disappear and the focus jumps to the Junk folder.

    I can see Evolution synchronizing the folders.  I ran Evolution from
    the command line but saw no errors. 

    I have restarted Evolution
    Killed all processes and restart Evolution
    Uninstalled and Purged Evolution
    Uninstalled, Purged, and deleted all hidden folders for Evolution

    No matter what I do, the folders show up under the Inbox in the Manage
    Subscriptions dialog and they disappear from the view.

    I very reluctantly tried KMail and it behaves as expected.

    Most of the subfolders contain email but one subfolder contains other
    folders which contain email (and one more nesting in one case).

    How do I get these subscribed subfolders to again appear in Evolution?

    Thanks - John

    evolution-list mailing list
    To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...

    I should mention that I occasionally see errors such as these but not
    all the time:

    Error while Downloading new messages for offline mode in : INBOX/Countries/Fiji”.

    Error fetching message: unknown body response

    Error while Downloading new messages for offline mode in : INBOX/Countries/Australia”.

    Error fetching message: unknown body response

    Ack! Out of practice reporting these:
    I'm running Evolution 3.38.3-1 on Debian 11.3
  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, Jun 22 at 9:10 AM
    On Tue, 2022-06-21 at 14:53 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > -----Original Message-----

    your way of replying to your original mail is quite confusing. I'm
    sorry to say that, but it is.

    > However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
    > subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.

    Yours 3.38.3-1 is very old, I do not recall whether there was anything
    specific for your issue fixed between all the months (the 3.38.3 had
    been released at the beginning of the 2021). I see something related to
    the IMAP subscriptions landed in 3.38.4, but whether it's related I do
    not know.

    > When I try to manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox
    > rather than peer to it.

    As far as I can tell, what you see is what the server advertises. Some
    servers can succeed with the move, but then reject the operation

    When you remove ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<imap-account-uid> , then the
    next start of Evolution the cache will be re-populated from scratch,
    which means it can fix any inconsistencies in the local cache. It also
    mean the account data will be all downloaded again, which can take time
    and will use the network bandwidth.

    I'm not sure whether your problem is the folder position relative to
    the Inbox or the folders not being shown at all. You can set whether
    you want to see only subscribed folders in the account Properties->
    Receiving Options tab. When you disable "Show only subscribed folders"
    you'll see all the folders advertised by the server.

    > Error fetching message: unknown body response

    It looks like the server is returning something the IMAPx code cannot
    decode. It would worth to test this with a more recent version. The version is the easiest way how to get the latest stable
    version without influencing the host machine. It has its downsides too,
    but at least for testing of the newer version, or when there's no other
    option how to get to the latest version, it's perfectly sufficient.

  • John A. Sullivan III <>Unsubscribe
    To:Milan Crha,
    Wed, Jun 22 at 12:52 PM
    Hello, Milan.  My apologies; I was trying to avoid top posting. And
    also thank you for your many years of service - it has bee a very long
    time since I posted and I'm glad to see you still involved. I'll answer
    in-line - John

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Milan Crha via evolution-list <>
    Reply-To: Milan Crha <>
    Subject: Re: [Evolution] Problem with IMAP subscriptions
    Date: Wed, 22 Jun 2022 15:05:15 +0200

    On Tue, 2022-06-21 at 14:53 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > -----Original Message-----

    your way of replying to your original mail is quite confusing. I'm
    sorry to say that, but it is.

    > However, now both of those accounts in Evolution initially show
    > subfolders but then they all disappear from the view.

    Yours 3.38.3-1 is very old, I do not recall whether there was anything
    specific for your issue fixed between all the months (the 3.38.3 had
    been released at the beginning of the 2021). I see something related to
    the IMAP subscriptions landed in 3.38.4, but whether it's related I do
    not know.

    > When I try to manage subscriptions, they all appear under the Inbox
    > rather than peer to it.

    As far as I can tell, what you see is what the server advertises. Some
    servers can succeed with the move, but then reject the operation

    [John - when I look at the folder structure using the provider's web
    mail, the folders are peer to the Inbox rather than underneath it.]

    When you remove ~/.cache/evolution/mail/<imap-account-uid> , then the
    next start of Evolution the cache will be re-populated from scratch,
    which means it can fix any inconsistencies in the local cache. It also
    mean the account data will be all downloaded again, which can take time
    and will use the network bandwidth.

    [John - I have tried that.  I've also completely uninstalled, purged,
    and deleted every hidden file I could find including the
    .cache/evolution folder.]

    I'm not sure whether your problem is the folder position relative to
    the Inbox or the folders not being shown at all. You can set whether
    you want to see only subscribed folders in the account Properties->
    Receiving Options tab. When you disable "Show only subscribed folders"
    you'll see all the folders advertised by the server.

    [John - the folders are not showing at all. The reason why I mentioned
    the position relative to the Inbox is that the Evolution manual
    explicitly says that having folder with subfolders and messages under
    the Inbox can be a problem with Evolution - in fact, it seems like this
    problem where they are not displayed.  It recommends placing them at
    the top level of the account, i.e., peer to the Inbox. However,
    Evolution does not allow me to do that.  For example, I tried creating
    a new folder directly under the account into which I could move all
    these folders but, after creation, it shows up under the Inbox.

    I have tried setting Receive options to show only subscribed and to
    show all.  Whenever I do either of those, the folders appear and then

    > Error fetching message: unknown body response

    It looks like the server is returning something the IMAPx code cannot
    decode. It would worth to test this with a more recent version. The version is the easiest way how to get the latest stable
    version without influencing the host machine. It has its downsides too,
    but at least for testing of the newer version, or when there's no other
    option how to get to the latest version, it's perfectly sufficient.


    evolution-list mailing list
    To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...
  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, Jun 22 at 5:10 PM
    On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 12:52 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > I'll answer in-line

    I can understand your common use is to reply inline, aka the Outlook
    style, but right here it's not the best choice. I do not know whether
    your 3.38.3 has it, maybe it does, try to use Alternative Reply
    (Ctrl+Alt+R), where you can choose to reply Quoted and then make it
    clear what is new text and what you reply to. Using Reply To List is
    also preferred here.

    > The reason why I mentioned the position relative to the Inbox is that
    > the Evolution manual explicitly says that having folder with
    > subfolders and messages under the Inbox can be a problem with
    > Evolution

    That's new to me, both that any such thing exists in the Evolution
    manual and that it should cause any trouble to Evolution. I have IMAP
    accounts connecting to multiple servers with folder structure under the
    Inbox with no problem.

    > I tried creating a new folder directly under the account into which I
    > could move all these folders but, after creation, it shows up under
    > the Inbox.

    Does it do it for every account you have (each on a different provider)
    or on a single account only? This feels like a problem on the provider
    side, like sending/using something libcamel does not understand.

    > I have tried setting Receive options to show only subscribed and to
    > show all.  Whenever I do either of those, the folders appear and then
    > disappear.

    Did you close and run Evolution after such change? It can change
    things. Nonetheless, I think the problem can be with the namespace the
    server uses.

    If you can, install the latest version from the Flathub [1] and check
    how the problematic account will behave there. I know there had been
    done some fixes in the namespace handling. Note that the Flatpak
    version launcher "overrides" the one of the host system, thus when
    you'd be running the Evolution from the GUI, it will "prefer" the
    Flatpak version from the host system version.


  • John A. Sullivan III <>Unsubscribe
    Wed, Jun 22 at 8:39 PM
    On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 23:04 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
    > On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 12:52 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > > I'll answer in-line
    >         Hi,
    > I can understand your common use is to reply inline, aka the Outlook
    > style, but right here it's not the best choice. I do not know whether
    > your 3.38.3 has it, maybe it does, try to use Alternative Reply
    > (Ctrl+Alt+R), where you can choose to reply Quoted and then make it
    > clear what is new text and what you reply to. Using Reply To List is
    > also preferred here.
    Thanks for the guidance.
    > > The reason why I mentioned the position relative to the Inbox is
    > > that
    > > the Evolution manual explicitly says that having folder with
    > > subfolders and messages under the Inbox can be a problem with
    > > Evolution
    > That's new to me, both that any such thing exists in the Evolution
    > manual and that it should cause any trouble to Evolution. I have IMAP
    > accounts connecting to multiple servers with folder structure under
    > the
    > Inbox with no problem.
    > > I tried creating a new folder directly under the account into which
    > > I
    > > could move all these folders but, after creation, it shows up under
    > > the Inbox.
    > Does it do it for every account you have (each on a different
    > provider)
    > or on a single account only? This feels like a problem on the
    > provider
    > side, like sending/using something libcamel does not understand.
    This may be a clue as to what is happening. It is a single provider.  I
    contacted them and they replied that one needs to use a namespace set
    to INBOX and that Evolution removed the ability to do that in the GUI.
    They instructed me to edit the .source file and that appears to be
    > > I have tried setting Receive options to show only subscribed and to
    > > show all.  Whenever I do either of those, the folders appear and
    > > then
    > > disappear.
    > Did you close and run Evolution after such change? It can change
    > things. Nonetheless, I think the problem can be with the namespace
    > the
    > server uses.
    > If you can, install the latest version from the Flathub [1] and check
    > how the problematic account will behave there. I know there had been
    > done some fixes in the namespace handling. Note that the Flatpak
    > version launcher "overrides" the one of the host system, thus when
    > you'd be running the Evolution from the GUI, it will "prefer" the
    > Flatpak version from the host system version.
    >         Bye,
    >         Milan
    > [1]
    > _______________________________________________
    > evolution-list mailing list
    > To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...
  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Thu, Jun 23 at 2:20 AM
    On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 20:39 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > They instructed me to edit the .source file and that appears to be
    > working.

    that's nice, both you sorted it out and that they support Evolution.
  • John A. Sullivan III <>Unsubscribe
    Thu, Jun 23 at 7:17 AM
    On Thu, 2022-06-23 at 08:20 +0200, Milan Crha via evolution-list wrote:
    > On Wed, 2022-06-22 at 20:39 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > > They instructed me to edit the .source file and that appears to be
    > > working.
    >         Hi,
    > that's nice, both you sorted it out and that they support Evolution.
    >         Bye,
    >         Milan
    > ____
    Alas, it is not fully resolved.  I set namespace=INBOX and
    usenamespace=true.  Now, if I fight with it and refresh the top account
    a couple of times, I get an arrow to expand the Inbox and can see the
    folders.  But, after a while, the focus jumps to the Junk folder and
    the Inbox subfolders and the arrow to expand them disappear.

    What do I do next so that these remain visible after Evolution
    refreshes the view?

    I did check Debian Backports but that does not have a newer version of
    Evolution.  I'm not too keen to step out of the Debian repositories but
    will if there is no other way.

    Thanks - John

    > ___________________________________________
    > evolution-list mailing list
    > To change your list options or unsubscribe, visit ...
  • Milan Crha via evolution-list <>Unsubscribe
    Thu, Jun 23 at 11:09 AM
    On Thu, 2022-06-23 at 07:17 -0400, John A. Sullivan III wrote:
    > What do I do next so that these remain visible after Evolution
    > refreshes the view?

    I do not know, I'd need to have an account with that provider for

    > I'm not too keen to step out of the Debian repositories but
    > will if there is no other way.

    Sure, that's okay, I suggested the Flatpak just to test whether the
    latest stable Evolution works better than your ancient.

    You'd need to change the namespace there as well, but the files are
    stored in the sandbox, under ~/.var/org.gnome.Evolution/ from the host

God is dead