Wednesday, June 29, 2022

celebration of the universe, Torah study


Dear Tumothy,

Join Rabbi Michael Lerner, Cat Zavis, and Ami Goodman at our Zoom-based celebration of the universe, Torah study, and Global Interdependence Day celebration on Saturday, July 2nd.

On this interdependence day, after we celebrate the universe and study Torah, we will grieve and mourn the actual history of America–a history filled with oppression, violence, genocide, and endless wars. The recent decisions of the Supreme Court dismantling and undermining rights that U.S. citizens have enjoyed for almost half a century or more have led many to despair. To help us overcome that despair, we will also uplift movements and struggles for liberation that too have been a part of our history and celebrate the inherent goodness of most people in the world. We wish to transform July 4th from a nationalist celebration and focus into a universal one that celebrates the interdependence of all life, nations, and the planet.

FREE to Attend Online this Saturday, July 2nd

Zoom: Click the link to Sign-up for FREE Shabbat Service and Torah Study - Register here
(For those who have regularly joined us, it is the same Zoom link from previous Shabbat celebrations.)

 9:30 am Pacific Time (12:30 pm Eastern Time)   
Shabbat morning prayers and celebration of the universe

10:30 am Pacific Time (1:30 pm Eastern Time)   
Torah Study | Korach: Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

11:15 pm Pacific Time (2:15 pm Eastern Time)   
Inter-dependence Day Celebration

Torah Readings & Prayerbook: Scroll down
*You can now see Beyt Tikkun Services or Events appear in your own Google Calendar
- Click here to add Beyt Tikkun's Calendar to your Google Calendar 

Many blessings,
Rabbi Michael Lerner and Cat Zavis

You can listen to our Torah Study from Shavuot (June 5th), by clicking here

Beyt Tikkun Prayerbook - Click Here

Torah reading can be found by clicking on the button below:

Korach: Numbers 16:1 - 18:32

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