Wednesday, June 29, 2022

I’m joyous for the thousands of babies



It’s hard to put pen to paper to explain my thoughts about Friday’s historic Supreme Court ruling reversing Roe v. Wade.

I’m joyous for the thousands of babies who will soon be spared the violence of abortion as well as for their mothers who will never know the pain of abortion regret.

I’m nervous for the violence that those who support legal abortion have been promising to my friends in the pro-life movement and their 3,000+ pregnancy centers and maternity homes across America.

I’m angry that my first daughter, Jessica, was lost to this violence…a “choice” that was forced upon my high-school girlfriend and celebrated in the streets this weekend.

As I’ve written to you before, since I lost Jessica when I was just 17, I have pledged my life to seeing abortion end and the most vulnerable in our world served.

And that is exactly what our teams at The Vulnerable People Project Movie to Movement do each day.

And what we will continue to do in in this Post-Roe world.

After the success of our award-winning movies like Crescendo and documentary, 
Divided Hearts of America, featuring NFL-star Benjamin Watson…I have just launched a $200,000 campaign to fund our our next movie, Hills Like White Elephants.

The goal of this film to move the hearts of millions of Americans who still conflicted about abortion.

Using Ernest Hemingway’s beautiful words, we will will show the world that abortion is never a “choice” to be celebrated.

So, what do you say?

Are you with me?

Let’s move forward now to make abortion unthinkable for my daughter, Jessica, and the 53 million preborn children we have lost since 1973.

Please chip in right away with a tax-deductible gift.

For my Jessica,

Jason Jones
Founder, Movie to Movement & The Vulnerable People Project
Producer, Divided Hearts of America
Host, The Jason Jones Show

P.S. - Our past award-winning films like Divided Hearts of America & Crescendo prove that our team at Movie to Movement knows how to make beautiful films that challenge the abortion narrative in America to change hearts and minds. Take a look at our successful, past movie projects and then chip in right away to help us get filming underway for the Hills Like White Elephants film!

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Movie to Movement
HERO inc
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Green BayWI 54303

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