Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Dear MoveOn member,

 Sign the petition to demand Amazon stop donating to anti-abortion and anti-labor Republicans.

Dear MoveOn member,

Last year, sales during Amazon Prime Day surpassed $11 BILLION.1 These are the very same profits that Amazon will then turn into campaign donations for anti-labor and anti-abortion Republicans. Amazon and the rest of corporate America want to reap the benefits of appearing abortion positive without actually having to stop their donations to candidates that would ban abortion. Last month, when the rigged right-wing Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, Amazon and a number of other corporations have signaled that they would support employees and staff in accessing abortion care.But this is just a performative attempt to put a band-aid on a crisis they've fueled.

These megacorporations—from AT&T and Disney to Amazon—have donated to Republicans and extremists for years, including Republican governors who are now signing abortion bans into law.3 Corporate America actually represents some of the largest supporters of anti-abortion Republican candidates at the local, state, and federal levels.

Before Roe was overturned, Amazon released a statement that “team members should get the care they need" and has offered to reimburse their staff for travel.4 But that alone is simply not enough to combat an issue they’ve helped create. Today, on Prime Day, Amazon has the opportunity to actually support their staff, by ending all donations to Republican and right-wing extremist candidates who support abortion bans and fight against worker’s rights across the country.

We cannot allow Amazon to dodge responsibility and weaponize profits against abortion rights and bodily autonomy. They must cease donations to politicians who support and enact abortion bans and demand these candidates return past donations.

The rich will continue to get the abortion care they need; abortion bans passed at the state levels will prevent only working-class people from seeking out and receiving the abortion health care they deserve. Amazon’s donations to Republicans directly contradict their newfound values, and the company cannot pretend to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion while donating to candidates who support abortion bans and restrictions that will harm working-class people the most.

Thanks for all you do.

Click here to sign this urgent petition and pass it along to 3 friends.

–Jaira, Emma, Emily, Nakia, and the rest of the team


1. "Total e-commerce sales during Amazon Prime Day surpass $11 billion, Adobe says," CNBC, June 23, 2021

2. "Amazon, Disney, AT&T Gave to Abortion Foes Like DeSantis While Vowing to Help Employees," Bloomberg, June 30, 2022

3. "These companies stopped campaign donations to election objectors. Their lobbyists did not," Politico, February 15, 2022

4. "Amazon to reimburse U.S. employees who travel for abortions, other treatments," Reuters, May 2, 2022

You're receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.

Want to support MoveOn's work? Donald Trump's preparations for being able to steal the presidency in 2024 are well underway and include working to replace top election officials in battleground states with his own loyalists. Which is why MoveOn is doing something we've never done in our 23-year history: We're launching a powerful, multimillion-dollar effort to defeat Trump-backed secretaries of state across the country and elect individuals who will count every vote and ensure fair elections.

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PAID FOR BY MOVEON . ORG POLITICAL ACTION, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

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