Thursday, July 21, 2022

“Where is God?


Dear Mr. Timor You,

It was the summer of 1916 and Europe was in the midst of the first World War.

Tens of thousands died daily as the cruel hand of war tightened its grip on soldier and civilian alike… leaving many to ask, “Where is God?”

Click here to read about the Angel of Portugal and the apparitions of 1916.

As we now know, God was at work, using His creatures to execute a most marvelous plan. And in the most unlikely of places!

In the little village of Aljustrel in the town of Fatima in the country of Portugal, the Plan of God was beginning to unfold. It is this “unfolding” I would like to reflect on with you today.

I think you will see that it resembles, and is in some way an echo of, the great plan of our salvation through the Second Person of the Holy Trinity, Our Lord Jesus Christ.

It involves the coming of a great personage with an equally great message and this salvific plan is heralded by an angel!

Click here to read about the Angel of Portugal and the apparitions of 1916.

You see, 1,900 years after the death and resurrection of Our Lord and the establishment of His Church on earth, mankind had once again turned in on itself, spurning the Gospel message in favor of the gods of Science and Freedom and Progress.

World War I was an expression—a violent and deadly expression—of this turning away from God.

So what was God’s “plan” to turn humanity back around? To send His Blessed Mother to Fatima, Portugal.

Before executing this great plan, God sent the Angel of Portugal to prepare the little seers for the unique role they would each play on God’s plan.

This happened during the summer of 1916. It would change the lives of the three shepherd children forever.

Click here to read about the Angel of Portugal and the apparitions of 1916.

We are now in the summer of 2022; 106 years have passed by since the Angel of Portugal first appeared to Lucia, Francisco and Jacinta.

A new war rages on in Europe; civilization is becoming more uncivilized every day, and I don’t want to burden you by bringing up examples of this—all you need to do is read the news to see them for yourself.

Did God’s plan at Fatima fail?

Absolutely not.

It just has not yet been tried.

And that is up to you and to me. Are we praying the rosary? Are we amending our lives? Are we making the 5 First Saturday devotions? Are we reaching out to friend and neighbor alike and inviting them to do the same?

Let’s use today to strengthen our resolve to put the Fatima Plan into action. And you can begin right now by clicking here to read about the Angel of Portugal and the apparitions of 1916.

I remain your friend,
In Jesus and Mary,


Robert E. Ritchie
Director, America Needs Fatima

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