Thursday, July 21, 2022

your soul's journey is taking a strange "twist".


Dear Timothy,

I have a feeling your soul's journey is taking a strange "twist".

... and I just feel things are going to be "different" for you, in the very near future.

And "different" can be an amazing thing!

I just helps to be ready for what is to come, so you can take Magickal Preparations if necessary.

The special, free reading, you are about to take is said to read the energy of your soul...

To see where it has been...and to "divine" where it is going next.

We are in strange times indeed, sweet soul. <3

And things are about to get stranger still.

Rest easy... this is exactly as it should be.

And tomorrows spell will help keep you safe for any turbulent times ahead, while helping to "steer" your course into a place of abundance and happiness.

A place filled with all the love you can handle...

...and all the love you deserve.

But first, let's take a peek at where your soul is headed next... :)

Timothy's soul is on a mission

... and then we'll see what must be done using tomorrow's simple little spell of protection and power...

Brightest Blessings,

Rose Ariadne

Your Warm And Caring "Resident Witch In Charge"

P.S. Please take some notes during your free soul reading, and use this information in tomorrow's spell.

I'll show you how. <3

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